Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Verdict In: C-Woww approved!

That's right, I Jersey-Shored my daughters name.  Deal with it.  Actually my buddy Jimmy cooked up C-Woww for the chicken, and I think it works.  But back to what this is really all about, things that I think.

The Vibram FiveFingers are a big winner.   First any foremost, they are cool.  If you like the way they look, even better.  If you think they are hideously ugly, you are just behind the curve on what's awesome, and that's ok too! That's why you are here reading this.

Anyway, these shoes do require a 'getting used to' period.  There is some paperwork that comes with them that suggest taking it easy in the beginning so your feet can get used to working the way the are designed to.  After that, it really is just like walking around barefoot. And if that's your thing, these kicks are for you!

Now if I can just get them back from C-Woww....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dreams Realized

I have lots of things that I would love to have. I find them all over the place.  Magazines, books, the radio, anywhere.  I have an expansive list of things that I want, but those things can stay on that list for anywhere from 6 months to...19 years? I like to take my time making consumer decisions.

So about two years ago I heard a radio interview with a guy talking about running barefoot.  I don't run. I wouldn't run if you chased me.  I have abandoned running as an option. I am convinced that it is in my best interest to stop, turn around, and just take my chances.  But briefly in this interview about the barefoot running maniacs, they mentioned a type of shoe that is basically a glove for your feet.

I might be alone on this; but that sounds like two slices of blueberry pie to me, so I investigated and found the Vibram Fivefinger.  These could be the ugliest thing I have ever laid eyes on, and yet I can not look away.  I was instantly drawn to these wheels and knew that it was only a matter of time, well of time and saving the $85 to order them, well saving about $50 and begging my wife to pay for the other half, until they would be mine.

Fast forward 2 years give or take and today, upon my return home I should be greeted by a beautiful daughter, overly excited dog, probably angry, tired, disappointed, but very cute wife, and the true object of my current affection.

Christ I hope they don't suck...

Monday, June 7, 2010

!Weekend Update!

I try to learn a new thing every day. especially if I can find out new things about myself. I am a total mystery to myself, so revelations come often enough, but it's always exciting. Like finding money in your pocket; it was yours anyway, but your still excited to find it!

Friday:  I spent the day playing in a charity golf event out in PA with three guys I sort of work with.  I used to try to play golf more before I ran out of time and money.  I was never any good at golf, it's too hard, you have to work too hard to get better, and eighteen holes of golf is easily nine holes too many for me.  After five hours in the ninety-plus degree heat chasing, or outright abandoning golf balls in the wilds of Pennsylvania I figured it out.  I really don't like golf.

Saturday:  If you want to hear about what happened at the party you left early, follow me. If you want to be a part of the story people tell about the party you are attending, stay close to Cindy and Dave. I never get to participate in the manhunt for missing guests. I think I would excel at finding missing party goers, but i always leave before I get the chance.

Sunday:  I learned that I never want to learn anything on Sunday. 

I can't wait to see what I learn today.  So far, not much.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is why I didn't want to start a blog

Talk about pressure. There a four people, five maybe but I haven't convinced Allison to 'officially' follow my blog, who are counting on me for 100 to no more than 350 words of entertainment everyday and at least one weekend day!

I don't even really work at when I am at work, and now that I am at work I feel like I have to work.  Well I hope you are happy Frankie, Adam, Bri, Cindy, and maybe Allison! This is why I will never let my daughter learn to read. Reading leads to writing, which leads to blogging, and kids are under enough pressure as it is!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This, is a marketing campaign

ESPN will be broadcasting the Soccer World Cup starting June 11, and in support of that they have commissioned a South African graphic design company to produce illustrated posters for each of the 32 nations that are participating. I have been checking out all the posters on the train to and from work and they are really worth checking out.